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Multiple Sclerosis

Low vitamin D and obesity as teenagers may accelerate MS( Multiple Sclerosis)

What is MS?

MS is a chronic disease that attacks the CNS i.e the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. With MS the CNS is attacked by the person’s own immune system. That’s why MS is known as Auto Immune Disease.

Onset of MS an unpredictable disease of the central Nervous System could be delayed by spending more time in the sun during the teenage years, according to the research published in the journal neurology.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms can range from mild to devastating, as communication between the brain and other parts of the body is disrupted.

First sign is usually blurred or double vision. People with MS often experience muscle weakness in their extremities and difficulty with coordination and balance. Majority are mildly affectedbut MS can cause paralysis, leaving a person unable to write , speak or walk.

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